TwitMe For WordPress

Holy-fagioli! Why did it take me so long to discover TwitMe? I’ve been blogging for years. I’ve been on Twitter for years too. So how did this cool little plugin escape my attention. No clue but I’m glad I’m finally with the program.

TwitMe is a handy little WordPress plugin that allows you to publish posts automatically on Twitter. I used to do that manually and it really doesn’t take long but I also plan a few days of posts in advance and always had to ping Twitter with those posts manually. Sometimes I would forget. With TwitMe, I won’t have to worry about it anymore.

The application took seconds to install and a minute or two to configure. My first posts worked like a charm. I had set up some posts to publish while I was away for New Year’s weekend and they pinged Twitter automatically within seconds of being published on my blogs. How cool is that?

I’ll be posting a video tutorial on how to install and configure TwitMe in a few days but couldn’t wait to share my excitement over this uber-cool plugin.